简单方便的使用Google one 的vpn服务:便宜-人人可以拥有,简单-小白可以配置,方便-全服务覆盖。

简单方便的使用Google one 的vpn服务:便宜-人人可以拥有,简单-小白可以配置,方便-全服务覆盖。

简单方便的使用Google one 的vpn服务:便宜-人人可以拥有,简单-小白可以配置,方便-全服务覆盖。

Google One的VPN有很明显的优点,其中最突出的一点就是其IP地址非常干净。这使得在需要解锁和收看流媒体视频,或者注册一些网络服务时,Google One可以为您创造一个非常干净的网络环境。但是,它也有一些缺点,最主要的是使用不太方便,因为Google One不支持中国大陆地区。如果您想使用它的VPN服务,必须安装一个前置代理,例如使用一个软路由,需要两层使用才能完成操作,这大大限制了我们的使用环境。


Google one vpn可以支持的平台包括安卓手机、ios苹果手机或者平板、Windows操作系统、mac电脑,看到其中是不包括我们网络环境中经常用到的Linux系统的。


对于Windows的vps主机,需要补充一下,建议选择平台就支持预装Windows的vps,这种是比较简便的方法。当然如果你有linux的主机也可以通过dd windows的方法后台将系统更新为windows的方法,这种方法网上有一键安装的脚本,一条命令就可以搞定,不过这种方法存在被平台发现并关闭服务的风险,所以如果采取这种方法,需要注意两点:1是在Google中搜索一下dd windows 服务商的名字 看看是不是对这种操作严控,另外就是务必只在月付的机器上搞这种操作。


1、安装windows 版本的翻墙服务。



V2Ray 4.28.2 (V2Fly, a community-driven edition of V2Ray.) Custom (go1.15.2 windows/amd64)
A unified platform for anti-censorship.
2024/03/24 02:31:04 Using default config: C:\v2ray\config.json



// Config file of V2Ray. This file follows standard JSON format, with comments support.
// Uncomment entries below to satisfy your needs. Also read our manual for more detail at
// https://www.v2ray.com/
  "log": {
    // By default, V2Ray writes access log to stdout.
    // "access": "/path/to/access/log/file",

    // By default, V2Ray write error log to stdout.
    // "error": "/path/to/error/log/file",

    // Log level, one of "debug", "info", "warning", "error", "none"
    "loglevel": "warning"
  // List of inbound proxy configurations.
  "inbounds": [{
    // Port to listen on. You may need root access if the value is less than 1024.
    "port": 80,

    // IP address to listen on. Change to "" to listen on all network interfaces.
    "listen": "",

    // Tag of the inbound proxy. May be used for routing.
    "tag": "socks-inbound",

    // Protocol name of inbound proxy.
    "protocol": "vmess",

    // Settings of the protocol. Varies based on protocol.
    "settings": {
      "clients": [
          "id": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
      "streamSettings": {
        "network": "ws",
        "wsSettings": {
        "path": "/livecam"
    // Enable sniffing on TCP connection.
    "sniffing": {
      "enabled": true,
      // Target domain will be overriden to the one carried by the connection, if the connection is HTTP or HTTPS.
      "destOverride": ["http", "tls"]
  // List of outbound proxy configurations.
  "outbounds": [
      "protocol": "freedom",
      "settings": {}
      "protocol": "freedom",
      "settings": {
        "domainStrategy": "UseIPv6" 

  // Transport is for global transport settings. If you have multiple transports with same settings
  // (say mKCP), you may put it here, instead of in each individual inbound/outbounds.
  //"transport": {},

  // Routing controls how traffic from inbounds are sent to outbounds.
  "routing": {
    "rules": [
        "type": "field",
        "outboundTag": "IP6_out",
        "network": "udp,tcp"

  // Dns settings for domain resolution.
  "dns": {
    // Static hosts, similar to hosts file.
    "hosts": {
      // Match v2ray.com to another domain on CloudFlare. This domain will be used when querying IPs for v2ray.com.
      "domain:v2ray.com": "www.vicemc.net",

      // The following settings help to eliminate DNS poisoning in mainland China.
      // It is safe to comment these out if this is not the case for you.
      "domain:github.io": "pages.github.com",
      "domain:wikipedia.org": "www.wikimedia.org",
      "domain:shadowsocks.org": "electronicsrealm.com"
    "servers": [
        "address": "",
        "port": 53,
        // List of domains that use this DNS first.
        "domains": [

  // Policy controls some internal behavior of how V2Ray handles connections.
  // It may be on connection level by user levels in 'levels', or global settings in 'system.'
  "policy": {
    // Connection policys by user levels
    "levels": {
      "0": {
        "uplinkOnly": 0,
        "downlinkOnly": 0
    "system": {
      "statsInboundUplink": false,
      "statsInboundDownlink": false,
      "statsOutboundUplink": false,
      "statsOutboundDownlink": false

  // Stats enables internal stats counter.
  // This setting can be used together with Policy and Api. 

  // Api enables gRPC APIs for external programs to communicate with V2Ray instance.
  //"api": {
    //"tag": "api",
    //"services": [
    //  "HandlerService",
    //  "LoggerService",
    //  "StatsService"

  // You may add other entries to the configuration, but they will not be recognized by V2Ray.
  "other": {}



还可以改良的地方:按照默认的配置,从vps下行到我的终端不是直达,也是通过Google one服务的,可能会增加延迟,后续考虑在路由上进行优化。


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